Battery Voltage Recorder
Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor
BVR Series ( BVR11)
Cell voltage measurement
String voltage measurement
Ambient temperature measurement
Voltage measurement range (cell/ string voltage ± 30 V DC/ ± 500 V DC)
Usb communication with PC
Bluetooth communication with PC
BVR Series ( BVR20)
Cell voltage measurement
Ambient temperature measurement
Electrolyte temperature measurement
Voltage measurement range (cell voltage ± 2,35 V DC ,± 7 V DC, ± 30 V DC)
Usb communication with PC
RFID string recognation
Communication with external density meter
BVR Series ( BVR22)
Cell voltage measurement
String voltage measurement
Ambient temperature measurement
Electrolyte temperature measurement
Voltage measurement range (intercell voltage/current ± 30 mV DC ,± 300 mV DC, ± 1 V DC Cell / String voltage ± 3 V DV, ±30 V DV, ±600 V DV )
Current measurement
Usb communication with PC
Bluetooth communication with PC
RFID string recognation
Communication with external density meter